More than 80,000 youth benefited from the 106 grants given in 2012 by RMHC of TriState. The grant awards totaled over $250,000.
Our chapter's grant program awards funds to 501c3 organizations that have children's programs. We identify, examine and support projects that positively impact local children in the areas of health, education, the cultural arts and social well-being.
For information on grant criteria and guidelines, please click here. To learn more about how to apply, please click here. For all other inquiries please call Cathy Elliott at 270-554-4002 ext. 2. Head to the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Tri-State for additional grant activity.
McDonald's operator Steve Sells, representing RMHC, presents checks to Eugene Field and Lake Road Elementary schools for their physical education programs. The schools will purchase equipment to engage the students in physical activity and positive character building.
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Tri-State awarded a grant to Easter Seals of West KY, Inc. to aid in the development of the Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care (PPEC) unit, The Lily Pad. This unit will allow children with complex medical issues to benefit from educational programs just as other children do in childcare facilities. From left to right: Cathy Elliott, RMHC; Ed Wilson, ESWKY Board Chairman; Mike Love, RMHC Chapter President; Danny Carroll, ESWKY President; Stacey Swift, VP Child and Medical Services ESWKY.
Longfellow Elementary in Marion, IL, received a grant for the purpose of updating school technology with the purchase of a smartboard. The smartboard will provide up-to-date information to enhance more in-depth learning of skills and concepts for students.
RMHC presented a grant to Troop 7019 of the Boy Scouts of America in Johnston City, IL. This grant helped to purchase tents and an equipment trailer for camping activities. Boy Scouts train youth in responsible citizenship, character development, and self-reliance through participation in a wide range of outdoor activities such as camping, aquatics, and hiking.
Becky Speciale, representing RMHC, awards Mayfield Rotary Club-Scholarships to four graduating high school seniors in Mayfield, KY. These RMHC grants will help them pursue their post-secondary education. Scholarship recipients are Katherine Armstrong, Faith Ivy, Tiffany Sanderson, and Katherine Simmons.
Eldorado Memorial Library in Eldorado, IL shows off some of the new books purchased with a grant from the local Ronald McDonald House Charities chapter. The books encourage young readers to develop math skills.
RMHC provided a grant to the Paducah Symphony for their Educational program. A brass quintet is shown presenting as part of an outreach project to take music into area schools. Other ensembles representing string, wind and percussion instruments also participated in the educational program for 12 schools in Western Kentucky.
Cheryl Farrow, representing RMHC awards a grant to the Jackson R-2 Foundation to purchase 6 iPads for 5th grade students at West Lane Elementary, Jackson, MO. The iPads will engage the students in hands-on learning and help them to adapt to the ever changing technological world.
Shane Brumfield, representing RMHC, presents a grant to teacher Amber Arch and Principal Howard Benyon of Woodland Elementary in Marble Hill, MO, for the Cardinal Reads program. The month-long project involved every student, faculty member, and family of the students. Each student received a packet containing the book “The World According to Humphrey,” and activities, schedules, puzzles, and more pertaining to the book. The purpose of this program was to encourage family reading time and unite the school and family members in an all-school project.
Kathy McEnaney and Michelle Leech present a grant to Caldwell County Head Start, in Princeton, KY for classroom technology and equipment. This grant will help to purchase iPads, adapters, smart boards, desktop computers, and color printers to help young children to have access to developmentally appropriate technology to provide better hands on experiences.